Start planning your future in Beenyup Grove by getting to know the convenient schools located in and around the estate. Whether your kids are just entering primary school or you have teens ready to start high school, Beenyup Grove is surrounded by a variety of well-established educational options, both public and private, ensuring your family has access to quality education at every stage.
Explore the Primary Schools Near Beenyup Grove:
Beenyup Primary School:
Beenyup Primary School is an independent public school catering to children from Kindergarten to Year 6. Their facilities and resources are used flexibly and purposefully to foster student learning, development, and well-being. With a focus on high-quality learning and social-emotional well-being, the Beenyup school community is dedicated to building brighter futures for their children.
For more information, visit: Beenyup Primary School
Woodland Grove Primary School:
Woodland Grove Primary School is another independent public school serving children from Kindergarten to Year 6. The teachers at Woodland Grove work with children holistically, developing their academic and social skills while nurturing their well-being.
For more information, visit: Woodland Grove Primary School

Explore the Secondary Schooling Options Near Beenyup Grove:
Byford Secondary College:
Byford Secondary College, an independent public school, is just minutes from Beenyup Grove. Students are given the chance to find their passion through extensive curricular opportunities, structured pathway support, and experiences that challenge and inspire them.
For more information, visit: Byford Secondary College
Court Grammer School:
Court Grammar School is an independent, coeducational school in the Anglican tradition, catering to students from Pre-Kindy to Year 12. Students in secondary school are encouraged to take responsibility for themselves as learners and strive to become the best version of themselves through their involvement in school.
For more information, visit: Court Grammar School

Beenyup Grove is surrounded by a large variety of schooling options, both public and private, ensuring that families have access to quality education for their children at every stage of their academic journey.